Public school teachers driven by passion, not market forces, educator writes

This column is an opinion by Matt Henderson, assistant superintendent, curriculum and programs, of the Seven Oaks School Division.

The Education Modernization Act at first glance seeks to model education on the free market in order to create value — or, more accurately, a commodity.

One example is the teacher idea fund — a $25-million fund designed to promote innovation in teaching.

They want to merge English language arts with global issues to create deeper learning experiences for their adult learners.

In Seven Oaks, this has taken over four decades to cultivate.

While all educators would welcome $1,000 for books or field experiences, we know that real value is derived intrinsically, from the sheer joy of watching a learner transform.

He is the former principal of the Maples Met School in Winnipeg and a winner of the Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching.

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