Proactive weekly mining highlights:: Nord Gold, Anglo American, Cornish Lithium …

Anglo American PLC  saw strong demand for rough diamonds in De Beers Group’s fifth sales cycle of 2021.

Oracle Power PLC  is following up highly positive geochemical sampling results at the Jundee East gold project in Western Australia with a full geochemical survey set to start next week.

Kavango Resources PLC  has appointed existing board member Ben Turney as chief executive.

ECR Minerals PLC  at the Creswick gold project in the Victoria Goldfields, Australia.

Landore Resources Ltd  unveiled its final results for 2020 and said it is funded for the current exploration programme at the BAM gold deposit in Ontario, Canada.

Power Metal Resources PLC  said ongoing due diligence work at the Tati gold-nickel project in Botswana indicates substantial mineralisation.

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