Pro Soccer Player Ifunanyachi Achara Takes Portion Of Salary In Bitcoin

Yet another professional athlete has come out publicly in support of Bitcoin, and has joined the “Pay Me In Bitcoin” movement.

“Learn #Bitcoin,” reads Achara’s Twitter bio, a sign that he really understands what Bitcoin has to offer.

prints money during COVID to help people, the more it devalues our currency,” Archara told CoinDesk.

In comparison to sending money out of the country via the legacy financial system, Bitcoin offers a platform with no middlemen, and will continue having enormous benefits for the people who use it.

“If I wanted to send money to my parents to move away from a state that I felt like was really violent, I couldn’t,” Archara said.

One of the many bullish things about this story is that his family is going to benefit tremendously over this span from Bitcoin’s killer app: number go up.

This is yet another fantastic example of a real world use case for Bitcoin and it’s changing lives.

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