POET Technologies Announces Entry into Telecom Market with 100G LR4 (Long Reach) Optical …

Of the five common types of 100G transceiver modules found within the data center, two types – CWDM4 and PSM4 are targeted at data communications up to 2km.

By flip-chipping 4 DML lasers onto an Optical Interposer with inherently superior thermal management and the ability to tune the waveguides to specific center wavelengths, we are able to design an optical engine that uses 10% to 15% less power to deliver data at the same speed and over the same distance as comparable modules.

In an April 2021 client webinar by LightCounting, shipments in 100G LR4 modules were forecasted to be essentially stable at approximately 4 million units annually from 2021 through 2026, with prices having stabilized as a result of there being no room left for cost reductions using the traditional manufacturing approach for these devices.

SPX has accepted delivery of the first of a kind equipment set for the assembly of optical engines based on POET’s Optical Interposer and will be actively engaged in the assembly of POET’s Alpha optical engine prototypes later this quarter.

The cost-efficient integration scheme and scalability of the POET Optical Interposer brings value to any device or system that integrates electronics and photonics, including some of the highest growth areas of computing, such as Artificial Intelligence , autonomous vehicles and high-speed networking for cloud service providers and data centers.

Such statements include the Company’s expectations with respect to the success of the Company’s product development efforts, the performance of its products, the expected results of its operations, meeting revenue targets, and the expectation of continued success in the financing efforts, the capability, functionality, performance and cost of the Company’s technology as well as the market acceptance, inclusion and timing of the Company’s technology in current and future products.

Actual results could differ materially due to a number of factors, including, without limitation, the failure of its products to meet performance requirements, lack of sales in its products, once released, operational risks in the completion of the Company’s anticipated projects, a delay or abandonment of its planned joint venture, delays in recruitment for its newly opened operations or changes in plans with respect to the development of the Company’s anticipated projects by third-parties, risks affecting the Company’s ability to execute projects, the ability of the Company to generate sales for its products, the ability to attract key personnel, and the ability to raise additional capital.

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