‘Photo dump’ is the easiest trend of the pandemic, and it’s kinda fun, too

Some pandemic trends were complicated: Sourdough bread, for one.

And those of us who predate these internet times still have bookshelves stuffed with poorly curated albums that served as 3-D photo dumps long before most of today’s Instagrammers were born.

and now back to the vows! Here’s an Easter basket shot — and now here we are at Thanksgiving! Usually, the images aren’t captioned, so you may have to guess at who’s who and what’s what — which often isn’t the point, anyway.

Actress Hilary Duff hashtagged a “photo dump” back in May, posting 10 photos to one Instagram post that had little or nothing to do with each other.

I like Katy Perry’s photo dump of her trip to Prague, because it reminds me of the kind of random vacation photos I share on social media.

You’ll see a lot of cute babies and puppies, toned abs, and skimpy outfits.

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