‘People are a bit losing the plot’: Green founder says the party needs to get back to basics and …

Trevor Hancock, who was born in the U.K.

The paper served as an analog call-out, and before long Hancock found himself with the phone numbers of dozens of Canadians interested in advancing environmentalism through politics.

The Greens, which gained its most seats ever under former leader Elizabeth May in 2019, lost one of its three members, MP Jenica Atwin, last week after Atwin crossed the floor to the Liberals.

He hasn’t officially been involved with the party for 35 years, but he still votes for them and wants them to succeed.

“I’m watching it from the sidelines, but my sense of it is that people are a bit losing the plot as to what Green politics and Green parties are all about,” he said.

It’s not that Hancock thinks equity discussions don’t fit within the Green party, he said.

“One planet society” is the idea that humans should only consume what can be produced and reproduced in perpetuity by one Earth.

The Green Party of Canada came at a time when thinking about the world this way was on a rising tide globally.

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