Patients hopeful for France’s medical cannabis experiment

Doctors are slowly enrolling patients in France’s first experiment with medical cannabis, three months after it began.

The two-year experiment will involve 3,000 people – 700 of whom suffer from chronic pain.

“Many neurological diseases are associated with very severe neuropathic pain,” Bouhassira explains.

She had to leave her job as an assistant in a middle school, and she spends most of her days in bed propped up with pillows.

“I’ve lost everything,” she says, her eyes welling up.

This is work she does not mind doing, if it allows her to access something that might help ease her pain.

Seneco leaves the hospital pharmacy with a paper bag containing a small bottle of cannabis oil, made by the Israeli company Panaxia.

“What I am looking for is relief, because I have no more life,” she says.

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