Nutrient-rich dandelion greens hark back to grandmother’s kitchen

While health food enthusiasts sing the praises of kale, transforming the plant into smoothies and chips or adding the greens to casseroles and burgers, there is one medicinal plant that deserves at least as much attention: the dandelion green.

They make a great substitute for spinach, kale or Swiss chard, as they have an earthy, nutty and pleasingly bitter taste, similar to endive or radicchio.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to pick dandelion greens in the wild, they are one of the best beginner plants for those who are new to foraging.

They can be used to make dandelion tea or even jelly, and make a unique addition to sweet and savory baked goods.

While some might think boiling vegetables leaches out the nutrition, in reality this cooking method can increase nutrient bioavailability for the dark, leafy greens that contain oxalates, organic compounds that reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

The fat from the olive oil helps the body absorb vitamins A, C and K, so not only does this ingredient combination make bitter greens more palatable, but nutritionally more bioavailable.

As a child, I didn’t think twice about eating these lemony greens, as they were buttery, sweet and tangy all at once.

Bring water to boil in pot, then add dandelion greens and boil over medium heat for approximately 10 minutes.

Drizzle with more olive oil if desired, and serve warm or cold.

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