NSU Ready to DROP THE MASK, Get Back to a Better Fall

That’s because of its voluntary VaxMax program, which has students and employees self-report through an online portal if they have been fully vaccinated or not.

If the university’s on-campus student population reaches 80% or higher being fully vaccinated by August 1, NSU will “DROP THE MASK”.

It is important that everyone log in and  self-report their status, even if they do not want to receive the vaccine.

It is important to note that the “Return of the Sharks” to in-person campus life will take place whether or not we reach the 80% mark of on-campus students self-reporting they are fully vaccinated—it just may look a little different.

However, if an NSU campus location reaches that 80% threshold of on-campus students self-reporting they are fully vaccinated, these COVID-19 protocols will be dropped, thus allowing a RETURN TO NORMAL.

The NSU community, like communities across the globe, has gone through something no one never imagined they’d have to endure.

Classified as having “high research activity” by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, NSU is one of only 59 universities nationwide to also be awarded Carnegie’s Community Engagement Classification, and is also the largest private institution in the United States that meets the U.S.

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