No contested races, but Egremont voters mull cannabis-related ballot questions

One ballot question would effectively limit the number of retail licenses in the town to one, preventing additional stores from opening other than the locally owned Devine Berkshires, which has already been approved.

The ballot questions, however, won’t be the last chance for residents to weigh in on the issue: The Planning Board has drafted a bylaw to regulate cannabis, and it plans to present the bylaw to the town at a public hearing following the election and town meeting.

“We’re going to listen to the town, and we’re looking forward to seeing the results.

The initial concern had to do with an influx of customers onto local roads, but marijuana legalization in New York has lessened those fears, Ramsay said.

The Planning Board circulated a letter to voters to help them make an informed choice, Kelly said.

As currently drafted, the bylaw would allow up to two retail licenses, although that many permits would not necessarily be granted.

Heidi Zorn said that the ballot questions would not greatly impact Devine Berkshires, although she would welcome an additional retail or cultivation business if another resident wanted to start one, as well as the revenue that business might generate for the town.

The Planning Board is also down a member following the resignation of Nick Keene, who said he resigned in part because he wanted the board to move quicker to advance a bylaw.

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