Nikki Haley Is Exposing Donald Trump’s Greatest Weakness – The Daily Beast

Nikki Haley is exposing Donald Trumps greatest weakness by showing how he has never fully recovered his standing with college-educated women voters. This issue could be a crucial factor in determining the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. In 2020, 59 percent of this key voting bloc broke for Biden, according to Pew Research data. While the Haley campaign would not share any internal data on women voters, those close to her operation suggested they know how important this voting bloc will be for her success both in New Hampshire and in other primary states.

The comparison to Barack Obamas success in New Hampshire in 2008 is worth noting. However, some Republicans are skeptical that Haley can ride a wave of support among GOP women to an upset primary win. Fetterman believes that focusing on the importance of these voters is essential to winning the election.

Inflation eased significantly throughout 2023, job growth remains strong, unemployment is at 3.7 percent, and a widely anticipated post-COVID recession has yet to materialize. Theories abound, but new numbers from the left-leaning polling shop Data For Progress might help explain at least partially why the vibes are off. When asked to choose up to three reasons why they believe the economy isn’t improving, a whopping 61 percent of poll respondents cited the price of groceries. Overall, the DFP poll found that 65 percent of likely voters do not think the economy is getting better for people like them, while just 29 percent believe it is. Del Rey Media placed a $1.5 million ad buy targeting Haley in New Hampshire to start the new year. At a recent stop in New Hampshire, Haley gravely informed the crowd that Vladimir Putin has raised his countrys eligible military service age to 65 years old—prompting a wave of murmurs and some actual jaw dropping from the crowd. Polls show that roughly half the GOP believes the United States is sending too much aid to Ukraine, and Trump and DeSantis are steadfastly opposed to supporting the country.

The DeSantis campaign is seizing on a throwaway comment from Haley about Iowa to both ding her and conspicuously defend the honor of the state DeSantis is hoping will rescue his 2024