Newest munchie stop on Queen West | The Star

To put it another way, the “cool quotient” is at the forefront of the cannabis industry, and the owners of Queen West’s new exotic candy and munchies shop, Trap Mart, have decided it’s high time that a natural byproduct of the cannabis biz — snack food — earns some street cred.

With its sleek design, careful curation and meticulous arrangement, Trap Mart turns the idea of the convenience store on its head — and that’s the point, according to Dana Rae, who owns the store with her self-proclaimed surrogate brother, Darcy Giles.

And while the store does offer a wide selection of novelty items, Giles maintains that they would never sell anything that they felt was unpalatable.

“I know the product and industry inside and out and have done a lot of snacking as a result,” he says with a laugh.

Though it’s important, Giles does not believe that finding snacks with the perfect proportion of sweetness and umami is all it takes to peddle goodies at a premium.

“When we get we know is coming out in limited supply and is exclusive to us, we get the word out via social media,” Rae says.

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