Nakamoto’s idea Vs The Real World: How Bitcoin Is More Mainstream Than You Think

Bitcoin can be adopted fully by the mainstream but I doubt if it will ever fit in.

In fact, for them, it’s a risk from all angles because the government doesn’t accept what it can’t control.

The concept of bitcoin may look like it might fit mainstream finance for now but this is all because the buzz for bitcoin has become overwhelmingly too much hence they don’t want to be seen as outdated and anti-people.

Every currency that can stand the test of time must possess six qualities.

If all mainstream adopts it, the media craze will drop and the price run-ups will be unlikely to happen but no one can tell.

The exchange spaces and storage of cryptocurrency have been plagued by hacks, thefts, and fraud.

Major institutions like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple, and all are rumored to be looking at publishing their currencies.

States like China and Russia are already warming up to launch their coins and the State-backed coins will unarguably lead the charge because the constricts limiting the Bitcoins will be lifted by these states.

Bitcoin or digital currency may be adopted into mainstream finance but the real idea of bitcoin can never fit into mainstream finance because a lot of water would have passed under the bridge and its major concept of decentralization would be lost.

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