My Late Night Bitcoin Epiphany

No currency, since the Greek drachma to the Roman denarius, has ever withstood the test of time because they have all been stripped of their value through debasement and hyperinflation.

Bitcoin is a direct reflection of a hyperinflating dollar, stock market and economy.

Although I foresee ETFs and other market instruments coming to the forefront to try and manipulate bitcoin, the fact is that there will be and will only ever be 21 million bitcoin in existence, ever.

I am convinced that bitcoin will either be the next world reserve currency or will be used as a “bitcoin standard” by which all countries issue their central bank digital currencies against.

The irony behind bitcoin is that it is the best store of value and just so happens to also be the best investment opportunity of a lifetime! This will truly be the greatest wealth transfer we have ever seen in our lifetime since 1932 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt stole 35% of America’s wealth by devaluing the dollar against gold, at the flick of his fingers in one day.

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