Muskogee City Council creates medical cannabis consumption rules during industry, educational …

In this video screengrab, the Muskogee City Council held a meeting Monday evening to discuss approval of policies for cannabis consumption in tents on city property during medical cannabis-oriented events.

The proposal passed 5-4 with Mayor Marlon Coleman casting the deciding vote.

The rules do not allow the consumption of tobacco or cannabis inside city buildings or on city property within 50 feet of them.

The ordinance, sponsored by Councilor Traci McGee, promoted the exemption as an avenue to create tourism and economic development in Muskogee.

“I know this is gonna pass,” City Councilor Ivory Vann said Monday of the vote, during which Mayor Marlon Coleman cast the tie-breaking “yes.” “But I want the record to show …

The debate over the proposal was short during Monday’s city council meeting, lasting under a half hour.

The Muskogee Phoenix quoted Ward II Councilor Alex Reynolds as saying the city has lost “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in possible revenue because prohibitions on cannabis consumption within the city limits mean vendors choose to host their large events elsewhere.

Councilor Derrick Reed, who also voted no, questioned the purpose for the policy and said he has not heard of recent interest in such an event on property owned by the city.

After Victor Herrera suffered multiple health issues, including massive heart failure, doctors told the family to prepare for the worst.

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