Municipality developing zoning rules for Cannabis Production and Processing Facilities

The proposed by-law, which is the product of an in-depth study and public consultation, is designed to, “regulate the use of land, buildings and structures within the Municipality of North Grenville, to include definitions and zoning provisions for Cannabis Production & Processing Facilities.” In light of some new questions brought to light by community members, however, this decision was deferred to the June 15 meeting, where it seems likely to be passed.

Council did so in order to give staff the opportunity to prepare an in-depth Cannabis Study in relation to land use and municipal planning.

Director Martin presented her recommendations based on the Cannabis Study, public consultation, and a land use review.

Director Martin noted common public concerns included: clarity of definitions, clear distinction between large scale plants and micro-processing facilities, a desire for stringent setbacks, and concerns about odours.

Cannabis Productions and Processing Facilities, Cannabis Micro-Processing/Cultivation, and Nurseries are to be permitted in Economic Enterprise zones.

Luc Poulin, member of the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario , was in attendance of the meeting on June 9.

There are no schools currently in or near the areas that are zoned under Economic Enterprise, Agriculture 1, or Agriculture 2, and thus the 1.5 km setback requested by Mr. Poulin is unlikely to come into play.

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