‘Mortar fire rarely coincides with bull market’ – EB Tucker on how your taxes may soon rise – KITCO

The volume is extremely high in the gold futures market,” E.B Tucker, Director of Metalla Royalty explained.

Tucker, who is also the Director of Carbon Neutral Royalty, spoke to David Lin, Anchor at Kitco News, about where to invest during a war and about carbon taxes.

But looking at gold, as the tanks rolled in, gold got smashed down a hundred bucks.

“With this conflict going on, how can they raise rates?” Interest rates are going to go negative and inflation is at 9 or 10%.

“My way to speculate is to buy 30 years of carbon credits that are going to be produced out of the best projects in the world.

As part of the world’s transition to clean energy, most companies need to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

It’s going to get harder and harder to keep that vehicle, the push will be to transition to electric vehicles,” he noted.

If you buy a product from one country, it will be taxed, versus buying from another country where there’s no carbon tax,” Tucker added.

In discussing Carbon Neutral Royalty, a new company that offers investors an opportunity to buy into the carbon offset market, Tucker revealed, “We’ve partnered around the world with carbon project developers that are doing things like planting mangroves, re-establishing sea grass areas around places like the U.K.

Tucker pointed out that timing is the key to making money in the carbon credit market.

Tucker continued, “I don’t think this market will exist forever.

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