Minister says he supports proposal to regulate the carbon market and changes Brazil’s …

A proposal that guarantees all the integrity of the system so that the system, the market and Article 6 are a tool of more ambition and a fairer transition, especially for regions that need incentives and for projects that need economic incentives” , said Milk.

“But, unfortunately, some countries are still resistant to this proposal supported by Brazil and by several other countries.

The regulation of the carbon market is one of the main themes of this COP26.

The carbon market works as follows: an organization that emits the gases pays another, which generates credits to neutralize them.

The attention given to the carbon market is too much, as if it were going to save the motherland from all the problems related to change climate, which I think is absolutely exaggerated, is just one of the economic instruments”, assesses the executive director of the ICS.

According to Toni, specifically in Brazil, although the carbon market is widely remembered as an alternative, it is not the only one: “We have other ways of getting financing that we have forgotten, like the Amazon Fund.

More ambitious volumes are needed”, said Leite, referring to the amount promised since 2009 by the rich countries and which was not transferred to those in development.

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