Mike Polk Jr.’s take on the Cleveland Browns’ ‘ugly win’ against the Detroit Lions

You have one of the highest-paid backup QBs in the league in Case Keenum, someone who has already proven himself this year by starting and winning a game against the Broncos, a much better team than the lions, who are very bad.

Baker’s tough for sticking it out and wanting to be out there, and that’s admirable and unsurprising.

But that was not the ultimate decision and Baker played hobbled, and he ended up playing like he was hobbled.

Fine, but don’t boo the guy who is playing injured who also happens to be the first quarterback to win a playoff game for your team in about 30 years.

Not because Case Keenum is a better quarterback than Baker, but because I think he would have been the better quarterback yesterday, because Baker’s body is ravaged.

Ultimately, my gripe is with Coach Stefanski, because he’s supposed to be the grown up who makes the call to tell his quarterback he’s not starting even if he wants to start, for the good of the team.

Of course, all of this would be so much worse had we lost that game yesterday, which we most assuredly would have under similar circumstances three or four years ago, so I can’t be too upset about how that went down.

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