Meet Elite’s New Class, Nearly the Same As the Old Class

At Las Encinas, students are more worried about things like who will be accidentally murdered this year, how one might cover up said murder, and which students will enter into what seems like an annual threesome.

Since season three of Elite wrapped up the fallout from Marina’s accidental murder at the hands of her brother’s best friend Polo in season one, with queen bee Lu in turn accidentally murdering Polo and her friends agreeing to a murder pact to cover it up , who knows what fresh drama and central mystery awaits in season four? What we do know, however, is who the central players in all the drama and hooking up will be.

Additionally, Ander will begin the new school year feeling much lighter after no longer having to carry the secret that his best friend, the late Polo Benavent, murdered his other best friend, Guzmán Nunier’s sister Marina, in that confrontation that rocked Las Encinas two years prior.

Now that his sister’s murderer has been brought to light, Guzmán hopes to spend his second senior year being less of an angry, classist dick and more of the softy romantic and loyal friend he is on the inside.

An outsider amongst the school’s affluent students, he has since been embroiled in several of Las Encinas’ biggest scandals over the past years: He was found with Marina Nunier’s body at the time of her murder; his own brother went on the run after being charged for Marina’s murder; he faked his own disappearance to force his girlfriend, alumna Carla Rosón, into confessing that she knew Polo Benavent murdered Marina in order to clear his brother; he tormented Polo; and was the mastermind behind the plan to make sure Lu didn’t get caught for murdering Polo.

It does, however, come as a surprise to Rebeka, who hates that drug life, swears it off, and, upon her mother’s return, makes her mother promise to swear it off as well.

The brother of alumna Nadia Shanaa, the best friend of Samuel García, and on-again/off-again soul mate to Ander Muñoz, Omar made the decision to forgo fleeing to New York City with his sister for a fresh start in order to stay by Ander’s side.

Upon being admitted to Las Encinas, Caye proceeded to lie to everyone about her background; attempt to grift all the rich students and their parents and a charity in order to keep her fake-wealthy backstory going; get publicly exposed for this grift; enter into a relationship with known murderer Polo Benavent; help known murderer Polo Benevant cover up said murder; and enter into a throuple situation.

Ari, Patrick, and Mencía are the children of the new director of the school, Benjamín, who not only takes an interest in running the school but is also an uber-wealthy and successful tech CEO.

Las Encinas is even more pleased to welcome the first prince into its ranks.

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