The TerraLeaf dispensary is set to open in Huntington in early December, that is, if owner Chris Visco, can get her hands on local product.
Visco owns several dispensaries in Pennsylvania and has been frustrated with the amount of time, money and energy she’s invested in West Virginia, but isn’t seeing a lot of help and support from the state to make this new program successful.
The Office of Medical Cannabis says to date they have received 4,346 patient applications and 3,206 have been approved.
OMC says anyone failing to make steady progress towards operational status may be subject to penalties up and including revocation of permit.
Ohio, which has 11 times the number of residents, issued only 58 dispensary permits and based the approved permits based on the amount of patients per district.
Due to the challenging geographic nature and lack of public transportation within WV, a wide distribution of dispensaries is favorable.