Lundin Gold Share Capital and Voting Rights Update

Lundin Gold, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, owns the Fruta del Norte gold mine in southeast Ecuador.

Lundin Gold is committed to delivering value to its shareholders, while simultaneously providing economic and social benefits to impacted communities, fostering a healthy and safe workplace and minimizing the environmental impact.

After the meeting, Russia’s top representative, Mikhail Ulyanov, tweeted that members of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, “noted today the indisputable progress made at the Vienna talks on restoration of the nuclear deal.” “The Joint Commission will reconvene at the end of the next week,” Ulyanov wrote. VIENNA — High-ranking diplomats from China, Germany, France, Russia and Britain made progress at talks Saturday focused on bringing the United States back into their landmark nuclear deal with Iran, but said they need more work and time to bring about a future agreement. Tehran has responded by steadily increasing its violations of the restrictions of the deal, such as increasing the purity of uranium it enriches and its stockpiles, in a thus-far unsuccessful effort to pressure the other countries to provide relief from the sanctions.

Sri Lanka is eyeing its first test win in more than a year after claiming a first innings lead of 249 runs and reaching 17 for three at stumps to secure an overall lead of 259 runs in the second test against Bangladesh on Saturday.

“An episode of one-time price increases as the economy reopens,” Powell said, “is not likely to lead to persistently higher year-over-year inflation into the future.” Some economists, notably former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, have warned that the Fed’s low rates, along with the $4 trillion in proposed additional spending by the Biden administration, on top of roughly $5 trillion already approved by Congress, risk accelerating inflation.

In Bosnia, coal miner Turni Kadric said he and his colleagues are “barely surviving.” In Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, thousands voiced anger at a new jobs law that critics fear will reduce severance pay, lessen restrictions for foreign workers and increase outsourcing as the nation seeks to attract more investment. PARIS — Workers and union leaders dusted off bullhorns and flags that had stayed furled during coronavirus lockdowns for slimmed down but still boisterous — and at times violent — May Day marches on Saturday, demanding more labour protections amid a pandemic that has turned economies and workplaces upside down. The face masks worn by many marchers were a reminder of how much life has changed since the last traditional May Day celebrations — in 2019, before the spreading coronavirus wrecked lives and livelihoods and eroded civil liberties, often including the right to demonstrate.

State lawmakers across the country have proposed fewer than 170 transportation funding bills this year — barely half the amount proposed during the last post-election year of 2019, according to the association.

Evidence presented at Downey’s trial showed blood clots that developed in Kearse MacLean’s legs moved into her chest and caused blockages that led to her death.

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