Loki recap: The mirror has two faces

While most of these episodes were fun larks, they were a great opportunity to examine what was essential about the Doctor amongst all of their many faces.

Just as she has found the golden elevators that C-20 told her lead to the Time-Keepers, Loki and Sylvie start fighting each other, bantering as they do until Judge Renslayer shows up with two Minutemen.

Pre-programmed to pick an apocalypse, the TemPad puts them on Lamentis-1, a moon that’s about to be completely destroyed by the planet it orbits.

Sylvie wants to fight while he wants to talk and though she tells him to shut up numerous times during the course of the episode, he keeps trying to pry information out of her.

She thinks less of him for being willing to work for them but he points out that he’s just a consultant and thinks her own plan to destroy the TVA and leave a leadership vacuum is something he would never do.

Eventually, they find out from a local homesteader that the only way off the moon is the ark, an evacuation vessel that they need to catch a train for.

Though Sylvie refuses the complimentary champagne, Loki, like a true Asgardian, starts to imbibe and loosens up enough to trust Sylvie with stories of how his beloved mother, Frigga, taught him his magic.

Loki tries to draw Sylvie out and they get into a discussion on the nature of love and while they bat metaphors back and forth, the biggest revelation is that Loki has had lovers of both sexes and it seems Sylvie has as well.

As the train guards storm in demanding their tickets, Loki and Sylvie start a melee and wind up getting tossed out of the train window as a result.

Sylvie mentioned that while she was enchanting C-20 , she discovered her mind was so messed up that she had to grab a memory from when C-20 was a regular human on Earth.

Faced with a similar situation to Ragnarok and witnessing the terrified crowds struggling to make it on the ark, Loki is horrified that they are going to let all these people die but the exploding planet above his head pushes aside his humanitarian concerns for now.

In a truly impressive set-piece, Loki and Sylvie run through what looks like a lost location from Blade Runner as destruction rains around them.

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