Lib Dems and Greens make gains in English local elections

In Stockport the Lib Dems became the largest party with a one-seat advantage over Labour.

In Cambridgeshire, the Conservatives lost control of the council after Lib Dems gained five seats, taking them to 20 to the Tories’ 28.

They now have 12 seats, putting them in third place, after galvanising frustrations with the Labour-run council with the slogan: “They’ve done nowt, kick ‘em out.” The party also ran local campaigns to rid Sunderland of rats and oppose the downgrading of the local eye hospital.

The Liberal Democrats used to enjoy strong support in both Stockport and Cambridgeshire.

Lisa Smart, the deputy group leader for the Lib Dems in Stockport, admitted her new minority administration would not have an easy ride.

In Sheffield, the Greens made five gains and managed to oust the leader of the council, Labour’s Bob Johnson, from his Hillsborough ward.

In South Tyneside, the Greens made two gains from Labour and now have three seats on what was once an impregnably Labour council.

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