LETTER: Relaxing of COVID measures ‘reckless,’ says doctors group – Saanich News

is entering its 6th wave, with three of five Lower Mainland wastewater treatment plants showing rising viral concentration on March 28th and COVID-19 hospital admissions in the two largest health authorities trending higher.

This could NOT be further from the truth, as our vaccines, while preventing severe infections, offer time limited protection against infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with immunity waning after 15 weeks.

Without focusing our efforts on stopping viral transmission, we will continue to see wave after wave of COVID-19 infections with the attendant toll it takes on our healthcare system, our citizens and our economy, not to mention the devastation of long COVID disability each wave leaves behind.

There is now almost no testing and contact tracing happening in B.C., leaving any public health response to occur only once our hospitals and our burnt out healthcare providers are overwhelmed, again.

WHO, Public Health Agency of Canada, US CDC and the White House have all recognized the supporting science-based evidence and added “cleaning the air” to their recommendations.

human rights commissioner has raised the alarm over the negative effects of these policies on marginalized groups, including “immunocompromised people, older people, Indigenous and racialized peoples, people with disabilities, and low-income communities”, without forgetting people suffering from multiple chronic conditions and our children under five for whom a vaccine has yet to be authorized.

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