Leona Lewis Says She Was ‘Deeply Hurt’ by Michael Costello After He Accuses Chrissy Teigen of Bullying

“I was asked to take part in a fashion show to raise money for charity.

“This came as a total surprise because weeks prior I was told that they would make the dress work for me,” she wrote.

“I’m so proud of how curves are celebrated today but back then it was a different story and there was hardly any representation for women who were not a standard small size,” she continued.

“I’m not discounting Michaels experience as that is an awful thing to go through and I wish him so much love and healing,” she said.

“For the past 7 years, I’ve lived with a deep, unhealed trauma,” Costello wrote.

“Many of them needed empathy, kindness, understanding and support, not my meanness masquerading as a kind of casual, edgy humor.

I grew up, got therapy, got married, had kids, got more therapy, experienced loss and pain, got more therapy and experienced more life.

I’m more understanding of what motivates trolling – the instant gratification that you get from lashing out and clapping back, throwing rocks at someone you think is invincible because they’re famous,” she continued.

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