Lawyer: Depp trial likely to become mudslinging soap opera | AP News


“You’re going to see who the real Johnny Depp is — behind the fame, behind the pirate costumes,” Heard lawyer J.

In Tuesday’s opening statements, Rottenborn said the evidence will show that Depp physically and sexually assaulted Heard on multiple occasions.

He also said the 2018 article did nothing to damage Depp’s reputation.

Chew said she showed up at the courthouse on May 27 of that year with a bruise on her face that was photographed by the paparazzi.

Police and others saw Heard immediately after May 21 and her face wasn’t bruised, Chew said.

About 80 people, mostly Depp supporters, sat in the courtroom Tuesday.

At the end of the day, after the jury had left the courtroom, Depp turned and saluted the gallery as he exited, receiving dozens of excited waves in return.

She said she saw the same pattern in Depp’s relationship with Heard.

Dembrowski struggled on cross-examination, though, when she was asked why she sent texts to Depp in February 2014 that said, “Stop drinking.

But a judge ruled that Depp was within his rights to bring the case in Virginia because The Washington Post’s computer servers for its online edition are located in the county.

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