KORE Mining Discovers Gold in Dry Stream Beds on Newly Staked Ground Between Imperial and …

The new staking extends KORE’s control of the prolific historic mining district and captures a trend including several dry stream bed gold anomalies associated with a regional fault.

KORE’s CEO Scott Trebilcock stated: “With systematic exploration, the immense potential of the Mesquite-Imperial-Picacho District is starting to emerge.

KORE is committed to operate within the stringent environmental and labour standards of California and plans to concurrently reclaim drill pad locations and ensure measures are taken to mitigate any impacts to biological and cultural resources.

There are government mapped faults associated with several of the anomalies, increasing the prospectively of targets.

Having the intact Imperial deposit to “tune” or “fingerprint” geophysical signatures, greatly enhances our confidence to target new discoveries under the alluvium along the trend.

Sampling and Mapping Program DetailsDiscovery of gold in the dry stream beds on the target areas are several kilometers from Picacho and Imperial and not downstream from either, indicating that gold is likely being generated from another source.

KORE also found evidence of historic small scale mining activities in the District including hand and bulldozer trenches, an exploration shaft and signs of historic placer mining activity.

Of the 497 stream samples, 322 assayed over the gold detection limit of 5 parts per billion and 10 assayed over 100 parts per billion .

Next StepsAs disclosed March 9 2021, the ongoing exploration program for H1 2021 incudes further detailed soil sampling grids, detailed geological mapping, additional IP geophysics and a satellite multispectral survey of the entire claim area.

About the Imperial Gold ProjectKORE owns 100% of the Mesquite-Imperial-Picacho District which consists of 30,900 acres of claims capturing the entire 28-kilometer trend from the operating Mesquite mine were discovered in exposed outcrops and from placer workings.

It is hosted in a shallowly southwest dipping, amphibolite grade metamorphic rock suite along a west-northwest trending low-angle regional thrust fault system which controls the regional geometry of mineralization.

About KORE MiningKORE is 100% owner of a portfolio of advanced gold exploration and development assets in California and British Columbia.

Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: final results of future exploration work, including further mapping and sampling and the timeline for completion, the results of the PEA, including future Project opportunities, , the projected NPV, , permit timelines, and the ability to obtain the requisite permits, the market and future price of and demand for gold, , and the ongoing ability to work cooperatively with stakeholders, including the all levels of government.

Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

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