KMA News receives IBNA recognition….again

KMA News received nine awards–including two first-place awards–at the 2021 Iowa Broadcast News Association Awards Banquet in Johnson Saturday night.

First place was in the small market radio general news category for coverage of the Essex noise control controversy, and in the small market political coverage category for a compilation of political stories.

KMA Senior News Anchor/Reporter Mike Peterson took first place in the small market radio general news category with his coverage of a December Essex City Council meeting, in which the council discussed the controversial noise control amendment.

Second place honors went to KMA in the small market radio in-depth/series category for its “Project 2020” series, the year-in-review series recapping the top stories of an eventual year, and in the small market political reporting category once again with its “This Week in KMAland” election preview special.

Other third place honors were in the overall excellence category, in the small market feature category for a “Shenfest Parade” retrospective, and in small market public affairs for a segment of KMA’s “Morning Line” program in August, in which Shenandoah School Superintendent Dr.

And, a big congratulations to Tom Robinson, news director at KSOM in Atlantic, this year’s recipient of the IBNA’s highest honor, the Jack Shelley Award.

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