Keys Against Atlanta: Disrupt the Five Stripes’ Possession, Set the 2022 Home Narrative …

After a stellar 2021 home campaign that saw the Rapids suffer only one defeat in 17 matches, the Burgundy Boys welcome Atlanta United FC to kickstart the 2022 home slate.

Since then, they haven’t yet returned to an MLS Cup final, they’ve cycled through multiple coaches and have watched expensive transfer signings not pan out the same way Almiron and Josef Martinez have.

If you’re an Atlanta United FC optimist, you believe the club begins 2022 poised to enter a new era of success under current manager, Gonzalo Pineda, who was hired away from Brian Schmetzer’s staff in Seattle and began his tenure with the Five Stripes partway through the 2021 season.

However, it’s one thing to know you have to stop a player, and another to execute the game plan to do so.

There is a lot of meaningless possession in all levels and leagues of soccer, but dominating the ball is how Atlanta breaks down teams. They make you chase, they’re accurate passers and they have elite talent up front to finish chances they create.

We’ve seen half a season of Kaye in burgundy and three games of Max, and each time they touch the ball and turn towards goal, they’re electric.

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