Juneteenth celebration: community artists, activists refresh Black Lives Matter mural on Woodland Street

Painting, she said, came to her as a natural way to express herself.

Pollard was among several local artists — including Thaxton Waters, Charlie Huddleston, Meg Jo and others — who led the effort in maintaining the mural Saturday morning.

The artists were joined by scores of community members who helped with the painting Saturday.

Pollard, who designed the letter “L” of the Black Lives Matter mural last fall, said she is excited about the project.

Megan Jordan, who helped community members color the mural Saturday, also participated in last year’s design.

“I felt like I was serving my ancestors,” she said.

Growing up in a Black church established by formerly enslaved people in Alabama, Jordan said she was surrounded by talks of social injustice and community activism.

Hoping to express what she learned in sociology through art, Jordan became an artist in 2016.

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