Jordan Peterson Buys More Bitcoin Inflation Be Damned

Peterson, clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and host of The JBP Podcast, to discuss money, economics, incentives, decentralization, Bitcoin, and fiat currency.

Ammous walked through many of the nuances of Bitcoin, including its technology and economic dynamics, shedding light on plenty of reasons why the monetary system is unique.

Peterson asked thoughtful questions, which were explored in detail throughout the conversation.

The unique way Bitcoin came about, which Ammous calls “the immaculate conception,” allowed it to grow organically and become the antifragile, distributed monetary network that it is today.

In addition to discussing the fundamental aspects of Bitcoin, Ammous and Peterson also delved into the characteristics of the current monetary system based on debt and fiat currencies.

“From the mainstream perspective…money is the creation of the state and the only question is what is the state’s role in the management of money,” Ammous said.

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