Jeremy Colliton’s unwavering self-belief fueled his Blackhawks rise and fall

Certainly, accept input and be flexible and take the information as it comes in, and then adapt.

“Since I got here, the goal hasn’t really changed: We want to be an elite team, year in and year out,” he said.

It helped him replace legendary coach Joel Quenneville mid-season in 2018 and handle the ceaseless skepticism Hawks fans held for him given his age and predecessor.

It helped him juggle the public outrage over the Hawks’ sexual assault scandal.

And it helped him gain and maintain the trust of many within the organization, including veteran players in the locker room.

He stood proudly behind his hybrid defensive system, even though his defensemen never fully caught on and his teams constantly bled scoring chances.

And especially in the waning weeks of his coaching tenure, when absolutely nothing was going well, Colliton nonetheless refused to change anything he’d instituted, be it illogical lines or monotonous talking points or his much-discussed system.


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