It’s time to shine green in support of children’s mental health

“We’ve had great responses from Barrie and Springwater politicians, as well as townships throughout the county, MPs and MPPs… who will be sending out messages through social media during CMHW.

“I have two children, and I am always checking in on their overall well-being, which includes their mental health,” she said.

Tell them that you will get through their difficult time together, and that it is never a bad time to talk to you.

The Shine Green hashtag was really well received and people were sending in pictures from beyond Simcoe County.

Approximately one in five children and youth across Canada has a diagnosable mental health disorder, and, if left untreated, can lead to serious long-term consequences for children or youth and their families.

“Canadian Mental Health Association Simcoe County counts on the leadership and partnerships with New Path to put children, youth and families first as we know that more than half of all mental health conditions show up before the age of 18,” said Dr.

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