Is Cash King, And Are You Aware Of Tesla, Apple, and Bitcoin Chart Patterns?

It would be best if you also considered going to cash when a more significant shift in market trends occurs, putting your account at real risk should there be a 20% to 30%+ downside price correction.

I know how everyone always says, “it is better to ride out the trends and buy into the dips in the long run.” Well, I believe there is a better way to approach these more prominent market trends.

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Often, traders get caught up in the excitement of the rally phase and forget to anticipate the peak, rollover, and breakdown phase that eventually comes into play.

The rally phase we’ve seen recently in the US stock market, certain global markets, cryptos, and commodities may have just completed the Belief, Thrill, and Euphoria rally phase – reaching what we’ve been calling an “Excess Phase Peak.” If our research is correct, we should expect to see a series of price patterns continue to play out over the next 2 to 6+ months that complete the Complacency, Anxiety, and Denial downward phases.

The “Trading-Trends” rolls capital in and out of the market trends and continues to reinvest the full capital into new bullish trends.

Suppose you can dedicate a few minutes a week to watch the markets or find a good trading mentor service to help you make sense of what’s happening in the markets and when to buy and sell.

I will highlight three very important charts on Tesla that very clearly show we may be transitioning into the Complacency and Anxiety phases.

As some sectors fail, others will begin to trend higher, and this is the type of research and work I share each week at Technical Traders Ltd.

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