I Went To The 1st-Ever “Bitcoin Night” In Buenos Aires. Here’s What I Found | Bitcoinist.com

I knew they were out there, but, where? I visited “Espacio Bitcoin,” a cultural center and co-working space in which some crypto-related projects have their offices.

As far as I could see, they were promoting webinars and other online events, and I spend too much time in front of a screen already.

I immediately recognized the signal when I read that the idea behind the Buenos Aires “Bitcoin Night” was to go to a restaurant and pay in bitcoin.

I planned to go to the big table and introduce myself, but the waiter was anxious for us to order.

A different waiter approached us and told us he was 18, had a lot of projects, and wanted to learn about bitcoin.

She knew my goal was to do some networking, but still, talking about bitcoin with strangers all night long was out of the question.

After an excessive amount of sushi, we joined tables with my friends and talked about anything but bitcoin for hours.

One of them had the Satoshi en Venezuela t-shirt that says: “The Maximalist Is Here.” We talked and he told me about his visit to El Salvador.

Later on, I learned that someone from Tropykus and the creator of the lnp2pbot were around, but I met neither of them.

My objective for the Buenos Aires “Bitcoin Night” was to show my face and introduce myself, find out where did they meet, and get out of there.

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