Hemp, Marijuana Growers at Odds Over Proposed Cannabis Farming Law

House Bill 1301 — a beefed-up version of a similar bill last year that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic — would allow outdoor cannabis growers to create a contingency plan to prevent crop loss during extreme weather conditions.

Home to spontaneous weather, Colorado is more than capable of an untimely freeze for outdoor cannabis farms, which only harvest once per year, during the fall.

Although marijuana and hemp are regulated and grown differently, they’re still of the same plant genus and can easily cross pollinate miles away from each other if grown outdoors.

“It’s so bad,” he says in an interview with Westword.

Walsh prefers that a working group make recommendations to the state only if those proposed guidelines are based on scientific research.

The House Appropriations Committee passed the bill unanimously on May 25, with the full House passing the bill the next day.

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