Hashtag Trending April 21 – Netflix’s subscriber drop; Google’s Canada to Asia fibre-optic cable

That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now, welcome to Hashtag Trending.

The halt in subscriber growth is prompting Netflix to consider offering a lower-priced version of the service with advertising, citing the success of similar offerings from streaming rivals HBO Max and Disney+, Reuters reported.

It will run from Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, and then across the floor of the Pacific Ocean to Japan’s Mie and Ibaraki prefectures.

While the DfT also intends to allow drivers to watch TV on built-in screens in self-driving cars, it will still be illegal to use a mobile phone.

A report by The Guardian reveals that researchers have developed chopsticks that artificially create the taste of salt, in an effort to reduce the high sodium levels in some of the country’s popular dishes.

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If you’re ever up for a lengthy discussion about the nuances of each of the above sectors or have an upcoming product that people will love, feel free to drop him a line at tli@itwc.ca.

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