Harvey Weinstein to Be Extradited to Los Angeles to Face Rape Charges

Mr. Weinstein, 69, was convicted of sex crimes in New York in February 2020.

Were he to be convicted in California, he would serve a separate prison term there after finishing his sentence in New York.

Earlier this year, he filed an appeal, asking that the conviction be reversed and taking particular aim at testimony from three women, which he said had unfairly influenced the jury.

Mr. Weinstein was charged in California in January 2020 — on the first day of his trial in New York — after two women said he assaulted them in 2013.

Mr. Effman on Tuesday again brought up the issue, saying that Mr. Weinstein’s treatment in a hospital setting at the correctional facility in Erie County was one of the reasons the lawyer had fought to delay extradition.

Colleen Curtin Gable, an Erie County prosecutor appearing on behalf of the state, said Tuesday that Mr. Weinstein had declined medical treatment on several occasions.

In late April, Judge Case said the extradition could take place on May 30, unless Mr. Effman came up with a new argument or Gov.

After the judge’s decision was made on Tuesday, Mr. Weinstein remained on video, staring at the screen, cradling his head in one hand.

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