Halal-Certified CBD Company Merges Islam With Hemp

Although the Qu’ran doesn’t explicitly forbid it, marijuana’s intoxicating effects are highly contested within the Muslim community, which still debates whether the plant’s use is considered haram and whether usage aligns with Islamic values.

Made in accordance with Islamic rites, HalalCBD gummies, tinctures and topicals could open the door to a new group of CBD users.

We started researching how to become halal-certified, and worked with the American Halal Foundation , and they helped us start the process to become the first Halal-certified CBD brand in the U.S.

For our demographic, against any intoxicants, so we found a way to introduce hemp into the culture, and that’s why we went the route of CBD.

We went through months of rigorous processes in order to get all of our products certified, and the biggest thing for us is transparency so we can build trust within the community.

For a demographic that’s very new to this industry, we wanted to create a product that is certified — that’s gone through that whole process — so they know to trust what goes in there.

It’s possible to introduce hemp without going toward the legalization of marijuana, although medical marijuana has its medical benefits.

We plan on going to more trade shows, and we’re pretty much here to shake up the industry and marry the two industries — the halal industry and the cannabis industry — as well as raise awareness of the halal standard and bring it up to par with kosher, organic, vegan and gluten-free products.

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