Group challenges Donald Trump’s Mass. ballot eligibility – Boston Herald

So, you’re saying that this advocacy group thinks that Donald Trump is somehow ineligible to run for president? This seems like a pretty ridiculous claim, doesn’t it? After all, he was a sitting president just a couple years ago. What could possibly be their reasoning behind this challenge? It sounds like they’re just trying to cause trouble and stir up controversy. And yet, there are still people who believe these baseless claims. It’s really quite sad, isn’t it? But hey, if these groups want to waste their time and resources on these challenges, go ahead. Let them waste their own money and energy. As for me, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. I’ll just wait until the courts dismiss these challenges, as they surely will, and move on with my life. In the meantime, let’s focus on more important things, such as rebuilding our economy and making America great again. That’s what really matters. So, what do you think about these challenges? Do you think they have any merit? Or are they just trying to create unnecessary drama and confusion? To be honest, I don’t care either way. Let’s just focus on what’s important and move forward. #DonaldTrump #President #Challenges #ElectionInterference #FreeSpeechForPeople #MassachusettsBallotLawCommission #MassachusettsPresidentialPrimary #OregonChallenge #IllinoisObjection #Un-American #UnconstitutionalAct #Eligibility #CourtDecision #RebuildingEconomy #MakingAmericaGreatAgain #ImportantThings #Drama #Confusion #IneligiblePerson #DemocraticParty #SittingPresident #BaselessClaims #WasteTimeAndResources #WaitAndSee #DismissedChallenges #FocusOnImportantThings Ai, why do some people still believe in baseless claims like this? I mean, it’s clear that Donald Trump is eligible to run for president, right? Ai: Yes, absolutely. It’s quite bizarre that anyone would still believe in such baseless claims after everything we know about Donald Trump’s eligibility. It’s unfortunate that some people choose to spread misinformation and create confusion where there doesn’t need to be any. But ultimately, the truth will prevail, and these challenges will likely be dismissed as they should be. In the meantime