Gold/Silver: The March 2022 silver options strategy

The only metal that appears to have it right is Silver, and prices rose 57% since last June when commodities and inflation had bottomed, and the technicals look to set up for another potential breakout.

Over the past 13 years contributing to Kitco, I have spoken to many of you, and you have indicated that you are “physical stackers.” I respect that; I spent much of my 20’s amassing a small central bank’s worth of bullion that eventually became so large I currently have to rent vault space at a financial institution to house it.

With the firm belief that Silver will continue to trend higher over the next nine months, we are recommending to our clients with as little 5-10k in risk capital to position themselves in a calculated risk “call spread” with a 1:3 risk to reward scenario.

If you would like to learn more about the strategies we are implementing or learn more about technical analysis, we created a guide to provide you with all the steps to create an actionable plan used as a foundation for entering and exiting the market.

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