Gold Prices Hold Stable as Investors Appraise Policy Decisions

“What we created since the early 1990s is an entire financial infrastructure that is relying on debt, and we have accelerated that dramatically in our response to managing the COVID-19 crisis.

Analysts at Metals Focus recently looked at the impact geopolitical instability has on gold.

Michael Collins, President, CEO & Director stated ‘I am pleased to welcome Mr. Sprott as a shareholder of Exploits Discovery Corp.

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“IAMGOLD performed well in challenging circumstances, generating $105.1 million in operating cash flows and producing 159,000 ounces of gold, resulting in $80.0 million in free cash flows from our operating mine sites,” commented Gordon Stothart, President and CEO of IAMGOLD.

Additionally, ADNR denied an appeal and affirmed the Division of Mining, Land, and Water’s original January 18th, 2019 approval of Donlin Gold LLC’s Reclamation Plan and its accompanied permit.

DRDGOLD Limited  reported on October 27th, in an operational update for the quarter ended 30 September 2020, a 45% quarter-on-quarter increase in gold production to 1 514kg, due primarily to a 27% increase in tonnage throughput to 7 260 000t and a 15% increase in yield to 0.209g/t.

Ganoza, President, CEO and Director, commented, “The first gold pour at Lindero, our third mine in the Americas, is a significant achievement for the Company as we advance the mine’s ramp-up phase towards commercial production in the first quarter of 2021. also provides financial news PR dissemination, branding, marketing and advertising for third parties for corporate news and original content through our unique media platform that includes Newswire Delivery, Digital Advertising, Social Media Relations, Video Production, Broadcasting, and Financial Publications. does not undertake to update any of the information on the editorial or Site or continue to post information about any companies the information contained herein is not intended to be used as the basis for investment decisions and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation.

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