Gold: our 2021 strategy | Kitco News

Upon arriving, he saw the franchise was drastically understaffed, and when he went to pay for that Quarter Pounder extra value meal, he found out it was double the pre-pandemic cost! That is at least how I envision it.

The real story is that the Fed set an inflation target last March at 2.4% with the hopes that an overheated economy would ultimately drive workers back into the labor market and bring the United States back to full employment.

Do you know what asset class generally performs the best in stagflation? Answer: Gold, and remember, when precious metals begin to take off again, silver moves typically much faster than gold.

If you have been working with us and are looking to position in gold for the long run, we suggested that our clients consider using FOUR Micro 10 oz December Gold contracts per $25,000 and buying TWO at 1775 and TWO at 1685, with a stop at 1640.

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