Gol is the first airline that comes to the minds of Brazilians, for the fourth consecutive year

With 26% of the mentions, GOL Linhas AĆ©reas is, for the fourth consecutive year, the airline most remembered by the public in Folha Top Of Mind 2021, an annual survey carried out by Folha de S.Paulo, which reaches its 31st edition.

In the challenging year of 2020, at the height of the first phase of the pandemic, GOL operated for months an air network considered essential, lean, and guided by related actions solidarity, such as the free transport of health professionals on trips to fight the coronavirus.

It was the first company in Latin America to offer its customers, in June this year, the possibility of voluntarily offsetting the carbon footprint of travel, a way to mitigate the impact of flights on climate change.

In addition, GOL informs that it works with themes related to the subject across the company, in order to engage all its employees and legitimize a sustainable way of being and doing.

Also in the context of sustainability, GOL, in partnership with Grupo Comporte, plans to operate new routes in the regional market by mid-2025 with 250 electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft of the VA-X4 eVTOL model .

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