Gardiner’s Wellness Connection to open adult-use cannabis shop Saturday

This is the second of the company’s four outlets to make the change and take advantage Maine’s fledgling adult-use marijuana market.

Under state law, marijuana outlets can offer either medical cannabis or adult-use cannabis products, but not both.

While the regulations for medical and adult-use cannabis products differ greatly, Langston said the company has taken a conservative approach in its offerings.

In the adult-use market, an excise tax is imposed on the transfer of flower out of cultivation to the next step, whether it’s for sale or manufacturing.

With COVID-19 travel and quarantine restrictions being loosened this year, the flow of tourists and their money is expected to lift the state’s economy.

Among those visitors have been people who were hoping to buy medical marijuana products from Wellness Connection but couldn’t because they were not state residents.

Just two years later, voters endorsed legalizing marijuana by a narrow margin.

On May 11, the Gardiner Planning Board is expected to conduct a public hearing on the more restrictive regulations that have been developed by the Ordinance Review Committee for consideration.

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