FWC helps tag nearly 150 tegus and green iguanas with a month left in 90-day grace period

The new rules took effect on April 29, but a 90-day grace period has provided pet owners an opportunity to come into compliance and take advantage of Tag Your Reptile Day events that the FWC is holding throughout the state.

The rule changes to Chapter 68-5, F.A.C.

The 90-day grace period ends July 28, 2021, and by that time all pet green iguanas and tegus must be permanently microchipped and owners must have applied for a no-cost permit.

Since most nonnative invasive fish and wildlife find their way into Florida’s habitats through escape or release from the live animal trade, it is important to create regulations to prevent high-risk nonnative invasive wildlife from becoming introduced or further established in Florida’s environment.

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