Four predictions for the indoor location market – RCR Wireless News

Being able to locate 911 callers on wireless devices faster is a life-or-death use case for more precise indoor location—but it isn’t the only one.

–Mordor Intelligence estimates that the indoor location market will see a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 21.7% through 2026, and that the dominant share in the market will come from the transportation and logistics vertical.

Transportation and logistics will dominate the market because of the requirement to provide mobile wayfinding for travelers within airports and railway stations and guidance to retail stores and restaurants within those locations, Mordor said.

Other verticals such as healthcare and retail are also expected to benefit, Mordor said, with the healthcare sector expected to see a significant number of applications that combine cloud and IoT systems with automation and location information.

That report broke down indoor location applications into three primary segments: Asset tracking, people tracking and indoor navigation, and looked at opportunities across a huge range of verticals, from airports and healthcare to mobile payments, retail, transportation and logistics, warehousing and media and entertainment, among others.

RFID use for indoor inventory tracking in retail has grown rapidly, the firm notes, and it adds that “Wi-Fi positioning has become crucial in meeting increasing demands for location-based services by leveraging the Internet of Things and ubiquitous connectivity.” Among the benefits of indoor navigation capabilities that UnivDatos cites: Real-time mapping and indoor wayfinding, space management, location tracking and asset tracking, event management and safety alerts.

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