EU Travel: France Places US, Canada On Green List, EU Formally Revokes US Travel Ban

The EU today formally approved an expanded ‘White List’ of non-EU countries, from which travelers are allowed to enter the EU for non-essential travel—for the first time in almost a year, travelers from the U.S.

Countries have been put onto the White List if they have under 75 cases of Covid-19 infections per 100,000 people over the past 14 days.

Arrivals can use the Digital Covid Certificate, the EU-wide document, after it is rolled out on 1 July—all 27 EU countries are plugging their own digital certification applications into the mainframe during the month of June.

As reported by The Local, both countries had been on the ‘amber’ list when it was published on 9 June.

Vaccinated travelers do not need to provide an additional negative PCR test result, whereas unvaccinated travelers would need a negative test result, taken no more than 72 hours before departure.

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