Drug mules caught with €35k of cannabis – The Echo

TWO Polish men acting as drug mules were caught with €35,000 worth of cannabis on a bus going through Midleton.

Defence senior counsels Alice Fawsitt and Ray Boland said both men had come to Ireland to get employment because of family circumstances at home.

Krzstof Dziezanowski and Artur Gaydowski, with an address at Olympia apartments, Parnell Street, Waterford, affirmed their pleas of guilty to the main charge of having been in possession of the drug for the purpose of sale or supply on September 15 at Youghal Road, Midleton, Co Cork, at a time when its street value exceeded €13,000.

The Midleton district drug unit carried out the checkpoint on Youghal Road.

Judge Helen Boyle said: “You have come forward on a signed plea of guilty where you were arrested carrying quantities of cannabis and a further quantity was found at your home.

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